High Paying Jobs You Can Get With an Associate Degree

ASO Staff Writers
Updated September 18, 2023
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High Salary Careers that Only Require an Associate Degree and How to Get There

A successful, high-salary career often takes years of time and educational investment—but not always. There are many high-paying occupations that only require an associate degree. Companies are hiring associate-level degree holders at a rapid pace in fields like economics and computer science, but also in career-specific fields like dental hygiene and radiation therapy. These jobs can be high-paying, with starting salaries in the $50,000 to $65,000 range and lifetime earning potential over $2,000,000. Check out this page to find out more information on the highest-paying jobs you can get with an associate degree.

Is Getting an Associate Degree Worth It?

According to Georgetown’s Center on Education and the Workforce, a professional with an associate degree will earn more than $1.7 million in their lifetime, generally at least $400,000 more than someone with only a high school diploma. Though spending time and money to earn a degree can be daunting, especially for people who have already started a career and/or a family, there are many ways to earn an associate degree and get on the path to securing a high-paying job.

According to the Recruiting Trends 2016-2017 report by Michigan State University, every sector of business at the national level is hiring increasing numbers of employers with Associate Degrees.

High school students can earn college credit, and up to an Associate Degree, before graduation, and many programs offer flexible, online degree options or accelerated formats to suit the schedules of working professionals.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, employment rates for those with some college, but no bachelor’s degree were at 77 percent, surpassing the average of all 20-24 year olds at 72 percent.

10 Associate Degrees that Pay Off Fast

People who are interested in healthcare, engineering or computer science can jump on an especially fast track to high wages. High school students that recognize these interests and who are willing to sacrifice some time early on can even graduate high school with an associate degree if they’ve planned properly. This means they start making money in their career sooner, potentially less student loan debt. Take a look at some Associate degrees with the high starting salaries below.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016, PayScale College Salary Reports 2017-2018

Associate Degrees with the Highest Lifetime Earning Potential

For those seeking an education and career with more long-term growth in mind, an associate degree can still lead to a high salary. There are plenty of associate-level careers that lead to higher overall earning potential as you gain experience and climb the ladder. While it takes time and commitment to build up to the payoff, the following associate degree careers provide higher lifetime earning potential:

Source: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016, PayScale College Salary Reports 2017-2018

Hot Industries for Associate Degree Holders

Source: Michigan State University, Collegiate Employment Research Institute 2017-2018

Tips for Success: Dealing with High Demand & Degree Requirements

High paying careers often come with a price: they’re often in demand and training may be more rigorous and technically tedious. Some of the highest paying careers that an associated degree can lead to are in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields, and prospective students should understand the time commitment, energy and resources that these programs require, as well as the amount of preparation that will go into applying and getting accepted before diving in. Here are some realities to prepare for:

Interesting Ways to Earn an Associate Degree

Associate degrees that lead to high-paying jobs can be earned in many ways, and at many different times throughout life. High school students can take college courses toward an associate degree. People who’ve been in the workforce for many years often earn an associate degree to improve their current career or set them up to transfer to another field. Degrees can be completed in the traditional college setting and also online. Take a look at a few of the options below.

Find the Best Online Associate Degree Programs in the U.S.

Facts from the Field: Expert Interview

Dr. William Carroll is the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Bay State College in Boston. He has a Ph.D. from Syracuse and is responsible for helping Bay State College students choose the appropriate degree program.

Is getting an associate degree worthwhile to students? In which fields might it pay off more than others?

There are many fields where an associate degree is worthwhile. The best choices are those where the Associate of Science degree is the terminal degree in the field. Physical Therapist Assistant and Registered Nurse degrees are good examples of this. It’s also useful to research the Occupational Handbook from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics and look up what level of education employers are looking for. Employers in the Audio Visual area that manage the sounds and other technology at convention centers are looking for graduates with associate degrees and these jobs can turn in to good long-term careers.

What might students need to be aware of before committing to an associate degree program?

Since these are “degree programs” students should expect to have some amount of general education courses like English, math, and social science courses for example. A typical Associate of Science degree program is 60 credits depending on the system the college uses. As most courses are worth three credits students will need to complete approximately 20 courses. This can take up to two full years or perhaps 20 months if the students attend year round.

What strengths do the students possess that see succeed in completing a degree?

I think the biggest strength is the ability to work interdependently and manage your time—this is especially true for online courses. Reading comprehension and writing skills are also important. Since you less opportunity to express yourself verbally, good writing skills are definitely beneficial.

Shape your future with an online degree

Connect with a community of peers, and find a program that will allow you to continue your education in a fast and flexible way.